On the 9th of June 2024, Hall Farm at SMB College Group’s Brooksby Campus will be opening to the public for Open Farm Sunday!

Open Farm Sunday will take place at Hall farm, a working farm located within the grounds of SMB College Group’s specialist Land-based Brooksby Campus. Situated in the heart of the sprawling Leicestershire countryside, the college has its own working livestock and arable farm with sheep, cows and chickens, in addition to some exciting agroforestry and regenerative projects.

Open Farm Sunday at Brooksby’s Hall Farm is a free event and includes fun activities for the whole family, including:

  • Tractor Tours
  • Beautiful Garden Walks
  • Farm and Agroforestry tours
  • Tours of the Equine facilities including in-house arenas
  • Animal Care Unit housing around 105 different species
  • Meet some of the friendly Students and Staff
  • An opportunity to meet some of local charities that the College works with
  • Fun activities for children
  • Food and refreshments available to purchase on site
  • Free parking (first come, first served)

In addition to the on-site working farm, the College is also home to fantastic Animal Care and Equine departments that feature various animal breeds including small reptiles and exotics, rodents, small mammals as well as alpacas and horses. In addition, the college has state-of-the-art glasshouses, acres of gardens, various wildlife environments and purpose-built land-based workshops.

Find out more about Open Farm Sunday and book your place today!


Open Farm Sun­day is the Farming industry’s annu­al open day, organised by LEAF (Linking Environment and Farming). This national iniative aims to give vis­i­tors the opportuni­ty to learn more about farm­ing and coun­try­side, and gives farmers the chance to educate the public about British food and farming.

LEAF is a nation­al char­i­ty that helps farm­ers improve the way they farm and cre­ate a bet­ter pub­lic under­stand­ing of farm­ing. LEAF brings farm­ers and con­sumers togeth­er to raise aware­ness of how farm­ers are work­ing in har­mo­ny with nature to pro­duce good food with envi­ron­men­tal care and sustainability.