This month, SMB College Group’s IGNITE Performing Arts students have been busy performing Scrooge: A Christmas Carol at the college’s very own Melton Theatre! 

Scrooge: A Christmas Carol is a unique twist on the classic story of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, Scrooge is taken on an interactive journey guided by Christmas spirits in an attempt to get him to change his ways. 

The Level 3 students performed at the Melton Theatre to near full houses, including two matinee shows for local schools!

The College’s Degree students took on behind-the-scenes production roles, running the show from backstage and supporting with quick changes, make up and microphones. 

Performing Arts Lecturer, Catherine Webb, said “The Performing Arts team are so proud of our students and look forward to more productions in the new year where they will tackle both classic theatre and Musical theatre performances!”

The Performing Arts students’ panto has a long history at the college: every academic year, the IGNITE students put on a pantomime for public audiences, giving them the opportunity to experience what it’s like to work as a professional company to a variety of audiences. This gives the students the unique experience of pro-actively reacting and interacting with the audience – which is a new and challenging skill alongside their core skills of acting, singing and dancing. 

Performing Arts is taught at SMB College Group’s Melton Campus, where students benefit from being on the same site as the 340-seat commercial Melton Theatre - a truly unique opportunity for anyone studying Performing Arts to gain the full experience of promoting and performing shows in a real-life environment.

Recently, Performing Arts at SMB College Group underwent a rebrand, with the exciting new IGNITE Performing Arts Academy showcasing the beginning of a new creative space where the legacy of Performing Arts at Melton can continue, and a new era can emerge.

student performance.student sitting while performing.

Come along to our IGNITE Performing Arts Open Evening in Spring 2024 to find out more about studying with SMB College Group! Sign up now!