On Wednesday 17th January, local business, Eyre and Elliston, visited SMB College Group’s Stephenson Campus to present ‘Student of the Term’ awards to the college’s Electrical Installation students.

Level 3 student, Kadon Kirk, bagged the top prize, earning himself a certificate, a screwdriver kit and a £75 voucher to spend on any Snickers workwear or C. K. Tools in Eyre and Elliston. Dylan Hitomi-McKenna came in with second place, getting himself a certificate and a screwdriver kit.

When speaking about why Kadon was chosen as the first recipient of this award, Jodie Norman, Electrical Installation Lecturer at SMB College Group, said ‘Kadon worked so hard last academic year, completing his Level 2 qualification alongside re-taking his English GCSE. He’s now successfully progressed onto the Level 3, in which he continues to demonstrate a high level of dedication, and has even pro-actively found himself some work experience in the industry.

‘Kadon was also awarded ‘Class Speaker’ by the group this term when we had an in-class debate about climate change and sustainability in the industry. The college is very proud of all of the work that Kadon has put in over the last couple of years, and we’re pleased to award him with the first Student of the Term award for Electrical Installation.’

Eyre and Elliston have been serving the Electrical trade since 1934, now boasting 62 individual branches up and down the UK, from Dorset to Northumberland. Work experience placements at the company’s local branch in Loughborough are set to be a great way for SMB College Group students to gain a thorough understanding of the needs of the industry through the lens of a wholesale equipment, tools and workwear supplier.

Dylan is one of the students currently completing his work experience at Eyre and Elliston. He said of his experience so far: ‘I came to SMB College Group because I heard that it was one of the best colleges around for the Trades. I’ve really enjoyed my time at college so far, and the work experience placement that I’ve just started at Eyre and Elliston has been great. It’s been really fun and has given me new real-world skills in administration and customer service – both of which I’ve never done before. I’m really looking forward to continuing my placement learning more about this side of the industry.’

Richard McCarthy, Manager of Eyre and Elliston’s Loughborough branch, presented the awards on the day. When speaking about the importance of college-business partnerships, he said ‘Work experience at Eyre and Elliston gives the SMB College Group students a hands-on view of the wholesale side of their industry. Not only do they get the opportunity to learn

more about the current equipment, PPE and resources being used in the industry, they also develop valuable transferrable skills such as communication, customer service and independence. Offering Work Experience placements is also beneficial for us as an employer as it allows us to ensure that students are well-prepared for the industry, and gives us an opportunity to pass on the skills and attributes that we desire in our future employees.

‘It’s also great for us get involved with the Student of the Term awards, as they demonstrate that consistency and hard work pay off, both whilst studying at college and when entering the workplace. The dedication that some of the students show in travelling into college and work, and maintaining their attendance, punctuality and high standards of work is commendable and will really set them up well for their future careers in the trade.’

SMB College Group’s Stephenson Campus has a long history of delivering high quality education in the Construction, Engineering, Building Services and Mechanics trades, in addition to Healthcare, Hairdressing, Beauty Therapy and more. The college’s purpose-built workshops ensure that students learn in industry-standard facilities, giving them a wealth of hands-on experience to prepare them for a successful career in their chosen industry.

Student of the Term Awarda student receiving an award.

With a wide range of full-time college courses, T Levels and Apprenticeships available, there’s something to suit everyone. Find out more at the next Stephenson Campus Open Evening on Thursday 29th February – register your place at www.smbcollegegroup.ac.uk.

Find out more about Eyre and Elliston at https://www.eyreandelliston.co.uk/.