With National Apprenticeship week fast approaching, we thought this was the ideal time to highlight apprenticeship opportunities at Greenfields.

Over the past

5 years

We have helped train

5 Apprentices

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At present we have 3 apprentices working for us. Dan and Alex are nearing the end of their 2 year, Level 2 Forest Operative course, whilst Will has just begun his 1 year, Level 2 Countryside Worker course.

Forestry is a diverse industry with a wide range of career opportunities including planning and management, conservation, recreation, research and logistics. The course encourages students to complete challenging work outdoors in all weathers and teaches them a full range of forestry operations and to understand the relationships between commercial, environmental and social forestry.

Meanwhile, the Countryside Worker course trains students to become custodians of rural outdoor scenery. It focuses on taking care of our protected landscapes and conserving the environment that makes the English countryside both distinctive and special.

apprentice planting greenfields countryside ltd

We are really proud to have an excellent working relationship with SMB College Group. All of our apprentices have attended the Brooksby Campus to complete a variety of practical and written training. Meanwhile they gain real-life workplace experience on site with our team of operatives at Greenfields.

Alongside their college courses we ensure apprentices undertake any extra training courses necessary to not only expand their skill set, but also make sure they are working safely and legally. Courses may include but are not limited to Safe Handling & Application of Pesticides (PA1), Safe Use of Handheld Applicators (PA6a), Brushcutter/Strimmer Courses, Manually Fed Wood Chipper Course, Chainsaw Maintenance and Cross Cutting Level 2 and Forklift/Telehandler Training.

We highly recommend Park Hill for all of the above courses and they also offer many other options relating to our industry.

Daniel Ellis

Apprentice (Forest Operative Level 2)

Why did you choose to study an Apprenticeship?

I thought it was the most appropriate way to get into the industry, as I didn’t have previous experience in this field of work.

Why did you choose the Forest Operative Apprenticeship in particular?

I liked the idea of cutting down trees and mulching, however as my apprenticeship progressed I have moved into the fencing side as it was the only section I hadn’t done at Greenfields and once I started I realised I really enjoyed it.

What’s your favourite thing about being an Apprentice?

Working for Greenfields Countryside Limited and earning money as you work.

Would you recommend an Apprenticeship to others who are considering this pathway?

Yes, as I’ve learnt lots of skills about this industry.

What are your future career aspirations?

I want to carry on working for Greenfields full time and continue to learn more about the fencing side of the business.

Alex Robinson

Apprentice (Forest Operative Level 2)

Why did you choose to study an Apprenticeship?

I knew I wanted a career change and I knew that I needed to start at the bottom and build a strong foundation.

Why did you choose the Forest Operative Apprenticeship in particular?

Because when I was working in an office and got very stressed I would go outside, I thought if only there was a job where I could be outside all the time.

What’s your favourite thing about being an Apprentice?

The people and the variation of work.

Would you recommend an Apprenticeship to others who are considering this pathway?

Yes, but only if you know you really want it and are prepared to work hard.

What are your future career aspirations?

Start my own company. Or moving into the charity sector.

Will Barnes

Apprentice (Countryside Worker Level 2)

Why did you choose to study an Apprenticeship?

I enjoy working and I prefer being practical rather than just being in a classroom and the chance to earn money is a real bonus.

Why did you choose the Countryside Worker Apprenticeship in particular?

I enjoy the countryside, and the subject is really varied. I love being in nature and having the chance to see different animals whilst I work.

What’s your favourite thing about being an Apprentice?

The people I work with and the wide range of different jobs.

Would you recommend an Apprenticeship to others who are considering this pathway?

Definitely, but only if they are up for hard work and 6am starts!

What are your future career aspirations?
Professional boxer! But I would love to start my own business.


The apprenticeship scheme at Greenfields allows us to nurture young talent giving them experience, not only in our industry, but also in a real work place environment. We believe this gives them a much greater benefit than just being confined to the classroom.

We believe apprenticeships give our young people valuable skills that will stay with them for a life time. Whether they decide to stay with us for years to come or decide to forge their own path within the industry, we know that we have given them the best foundation to start them off on their journey.

apprenticeship forest operative greenfields countryside ltd

Read the original article: National Apprenticeship Week 2024 - Greenfields Countryside Limited (greenfields-countryside.co.uk)

If you're interested in undergoing an Apprenticeship with SMB College Group check out our current vacancies: Apprenticeship vacancies | SMB College Group